Join the CCRO as they present a Spring Conference - " ... in the Upper Room"
"... do not be unbelieving, but believe." John 20:27
When Christians contemplate the Upper Room thoughts quickly turn to the scene of the Last Supper and the institution of the Holy Eucharist. It is in the Upper Room that Jesus offered His Body and Blood for our salvation.
After the crucifixion, the apostle's, and disciples returned to the Upper Room as they mourned and wondered what their next steps would be. It was a place of prayer and miracles. The risen Jesus appears to His followers in the Upper Room. And it is here that he invites Thomas to touch his wounds and believe.
The followers of Jesus Christ were gathered in the Upper Room when the power of the Holy Spirit descends upon them, filling them and sending them to proclaim the truth of Christ, starting His Church on earth.
Presenters for the day are Father Michael Becker and Father Tom Margevicius.